
AteenagegirlisraisedbyarobotdesignedtorepopulateEarth.Theirbondistestedwhenastrangerarriveswithalarmingnews.Contentcollapsed.,Inthewakeofhumanity'sextinction,ateenagegirlisraisedbyarobotdesignedtorepopulatetheearth.Buttheiruniquebondisthreatenedwhenan ...,IAmMother(2019)castandcrewcredits,includingactors,actresses,directors,writersandmore.,Inthewakeofhumanity'sextinction,ateenagegirlisraisedby...

I Am Mother

A teenage girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate Earth. Their bond is tested when a stranger arrives with alarming news. Content collapsed.

I Am Mother (2019)

In the wake of humanity's extinction, a teenage girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate the earth. But their unique bond is threatened when an ...

I Am Mother (2019)

I Am Mother (2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

I Am Mother

In the wake of humanity's extinction, a teenage girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate the earth. But their unique bond is threatened when an ...


This film tells the story of a woman who grew up in a facility with a robot. Her world is shaken up to the core when another human being arrives. The set is ...